
Criterium-Kessler Engineers Acquire Las Vegas Office

The team at Criterium-Kessler Engineers, based in the greater Phoenix, Arizona area and led by Dan and Kelly Kessler, recently acquired Criterium-McWilliam Engineers, the Las Vegas, Nevada area office serving southern Nevada. The office was established in 1994 by Chay McWilliam, P.E. The office is well-known across the Las Vegas metropolitan area for high quality….


Making Tough Decisions

Addressing Building Issues With Caution Have you ever noticed how fashion and entertainment trends seem to start on the “Left Coast” and work their way across the country before finally arriving in Maine? I call this the “End of Route 95 Syndrome.” Of course, YouTube and other digital social media has sped things up a….


The Challenge of Aging Buildings

The Surfside collapse and the resulting loss of life is tragic. In addition to dealing with the far-reaching impact of that collapse, many occupants, owners, and managers of most buildings are now asking whether something similar could happen to their building. The answer is that the structural health and future of any building depends on many variables….


2021 Years In Service Awards

Criterium Engineers 2021 Years in Service Awards were presented by David Leopold, Criterium Engineers President, during closing ceremonies for the multiday Criterium Engineers Conference, a virtual event held in late September for affiliate (franchise) office principals and their employees from across North America, as well as headquarters employees. The biennial event had been scheduled to….


Criterium Engineers 2021 Performance Awards

Criterium Engineers 2021 performance awards were presented by David Leopold, Criterium Engineers President, during closing ceremonies for the multiday Criterium Engineers Conference, a virtual event held in late September for affiliate (franchise) office principals and their employees from across North America, as well as headquarters employees. The biennial event had been scheduled to occur in….


Criterium-Schimnowski Engineers is Affiliate Office of the Year

              Paul and Melissa Schimnowski of Criterium-Schimnowski Engineers are recipients of the Criterium Engineers Affiliate Office of the Year award for 2021. The prestigious award was presented by David Leopold, Criterium Engineers President, during closing ceremonies for the multiday 2021 Criterium Engineers Conference, a virtual event held in late….


Kyle Hardy Receives Engineering Award for Distinguished Service

Congratulations to Kyle Hardy, P.E., R.S., and affiliate principal of Criterium-Hardy Engineers, based in the greater St. Louis, Missouri area. Kyle received the annual Criterium Engineers’ H. Alan Mooney Award for Distinguished Service. The award was presented by David Leopold, President, and Alan Mooney, Founding President, at the Criterium Engineers virtual conference held in late….


Criterium-Raby Engineers Opens in North-Central GA

Criterium-Raby Engineers, based in Alpharetta, Georgia, recently began operations. It’s the newest franchise in the Criterium-Engineers network, serving north-central Georgia. Criterium-Raby Engineers operates in these four engineering services business segments: Commercial Residential Homeowner Associations Construction Engineering Landon Raby, affiliate office principal and licensed, Professional Engineer, is a civil engineer from St. Augustine, Florida with over….


The Water Did It

Since the tragedy this summer in Surfside, Florida, building managers and condo boards have been reviewing the cost of deferred repairs and their fiduciary responsibilities when it comes to facility safety and maintenance with greater scrutiny than ever before. But where to look first? There are many types of condos from high-rises to townhouses to….


Where Does Danger Lurk?

Most Common Areas of Concern As a member of the board or the property manager, what element of the condo complex poses the greatest danger to the unit owners and liability to the association? Slips and falls during the icy season? Decks collapsing from rot? Electrical fires? Well, if you picked “decks,” you are almost….