
Condos and Tariffs

  There is an old Chinese saying, ‘May you live in Interesting Times’. This statement is interpreted to be more of a curse than a friendly greeting, as the interesting times refer to upcoming periods of chaos or uncertainty. Ask any investor or economic forecaster what they fear most, it is uncertainty. Unfortunately, this is….


Common Asset Maintenance: Best Practices

HOA Maintenance Plans As a young engineer, the most valuable lesson I learned early on was not to try to remember everything but know where to find the answers. It is no different for a new condo board or property manager. The Community Association Institute (CAI) has gone to great lengths to provide community leaders….


Leaks Happen

Finding the Leak Like the bumper sticker says, Leaks Happen. Eventually all roofs will leak. The various available condo roof surfaces typically have different reserve fund plan expected useful lives. High slope roofs such as fiberglass composite shingles are budgeted to be replaced in 25 to 30 years while low slope roofs surfaces such as….


Finding the Right Contractor

Selection Process All condo or HOA boards face the task of hiring a service provider or construction contractor periodically. The final success of this effort often depends on establishing the initial selection process and following it to its conclusion. Most service contracts are routine and do not require significant planning or project management oversight. This….


Water Intrusion Testing: Building Envelope Integrity

  When weather penetrates a building, it can be a costly issue that compromises the functionality and habitability of the building and may eventually lead to structural issues. While there is no single tactic that will prevent water from entering a building, incorporating Third Party Quality Assurance during construction or renovation is essential for reducing….


Cost Segregation Studies and Bonus Depreciation

For real estate investors and property owners, actively managing tax liability is essential in maximizing ROI. Strategically pairing a Cost Segregation Study provided by Criterium Engineers with current Bonus Depreciation options allows property owners to accelerate tax deductions, improving cash flow and boosting profitability. What is a Cost Segregation Study? Cost Segregation is a tax….


Safety – A New Reserve Fund Focus

Reserve Study Guidelines Are you aware of the significant changes in the Community Association Institute (CAI)’s recommendations for best practices in future reserve fund studies? If you are not, you are not alone. In July 2023, the Foundation for Community Association Research published its Best Practices – Community Association Maintenance manual. Let me explain why….


When the FUD hits the fan… run at the fan

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt Condo association unit owners’ meetings can be a challenge. Boards often need to make hard decisions. People can become very emotional when it comes to issues affecting their money and they feel a lack of control. From what I hear the New England meetings I attend are mild compared to the….


How Drowning Detection Systems Can Save Lives

Conventional pool safety measures, including covers, perimeter fences, and subsurface alarms, can prevent unauthorized access when a pool is closed. However, these measures do not protect against drowning when a pool is in use. Lifeguards, swimming lessons, and parental supervision have traditionally served as the primary safety measures during swim time, but tragically, even these….