HOA News

HOA Webinar: Your Buildings & the Coronavirus for Managers & Board Members

Coronavirus Webinar for HOAs: Your Buildings & the Coronavirus Managing a building in the coronavirus world is a new challenge. Criterium Engineers, building experts who have evaluated over 850,000 buildings across the U.S. and Canada in more than 60 years in business, presents this coronavirus webinar (YouTube format) for HOA managers and board members to….


Pests: Don’t Bug Out!


Perhaps the most dreaded sound in an HOA or condo complex, other than a fire alarm or screaming siren, is repeated unit owners calls reporting a pest infestation.  Pests can come in many types of creatures, both large and small, including bats, seagulls, geese, rodents, mold spores, and wasps. For this brief article our focus….


HOA Reserve Study: Why Hire a Professional Engineer?

Making Touch Decisions Reserve Study why hire professional engineers

The time has come for your homeowners’ association (HOA) to complete a reserve study. Where do you begin? An online search presents a wide range of companies that perform reserve studies for homeowner associations and you may wonder, why hire a professional engineer? Why Hire a Professional Engineer for Your Association’s Reserve Study? Our licensed,….


Keep Absent Owners Part of the Community

Absent owners winter home

Welcome Home! Maine is often called Vacationland due to the population explosion in the summer months. This traditional influx of people not only affects coastal tourist towns and inland lake villages but also condo communities. Whether your condo is self- or professionally managed, establishing policies and planning for returning snowbirds is critical to the successful….


Association Liabilities — Ignorance is not Bliss

Association Liabilities

So what keeps you up at night? If you are a condo board member or a property manager, it might be that dreaded phone call reporting calamity at the condominium. Whether it is the report of a fire; or a frozen sprinkler leak; or an injury due to a common element failure, the association’s actions….


How to Hire a Condo Engineer: 4 Steps

hire condo engineer

Make sure you actually need one, too They don’t teach you how to hire an engineer in school. Indeed most folks have never had the occasion to hire an engineer or an architect in their whole life. This is also true for most condominium or HOA board members. So how does a condo board go….


Is Your Condo Breathing? Why Building Ventilation is Critical

building ventilation and insulation

If your condo board is planning for a re-roofing project, remind the board the project will not be a success without an in-depth consideration being given to the condition of the building ventilation under the roof. Inadequate attic venting will cause ice dams; energy loss; and moisture damage to the roof structure. Too often roof….


Cam Grant Achieves Reserve Specialist Credential

V. Campbell Grant - Cam Grant, PE, Reserve Specialist

V. Campbell “Cam” Grant, P.E, at Criterium Engineers is a familiar face for many of our clients, especially those who represent Homeowner Associations. We’re pleased to announce that Cam recently achieved the Community Association Institute’s (CAI) Reserve Specialist (RS®) designation. The CAI website notes that this designation is awarded to qualified reserve specialists who, through….


Weighing New Roofing Decisions


Some board members may think roofing decisions are over their heads (forgive the pun). Condominium board members and property managers of urban mid and high-rise buildings often face flat roof maintenance issues and now a new wrinkle in the process of roofing decisions has arisen: black or white. In the recent past most flat roofs….


Vinyl Siding – or Not

Vinyl Siding Problems

Perhaps you are on the Building Committee which has been charged by your Homeowners Association Board to recommend a replacement siding material for your 35 year old condo. Perhaps you are a property manager whose in-basket is filled with unit owner complaints about vinyl clapboard siding problems in the new condo complex. Whatever the vinyl….