Residential News

Condos and Tariffs

  There is an old Chinese saying, ‘May you live in Interesting Times’. This statement is interpreted to be more of a curse than a friendly greeting, as the interesting times refer to upcoming periods of chaos or uncertainty. Ask any investor or economic forecaster what they fear most, it is uncertainty. Unfortunately, this is….


Leaks Happen

Finding the Leak Like the bumper sticker says, Leaks Happen. Eventually all roofs will leak. The various available condo roof surfaces typically have different reserve fund plan expected useful lives. High slope roofs such as fiberglass composite shingles are budgeted to be replaced in 25 to 30 years while low slope roofs surfaces such as….


Cost Segregation Studies and Bonus Depreciation

For real estate investors and property owners, actively managing tax liability is essential in maximizing ROI. Strategically pairing a Cost Segregation Study provided by Criterium Engineers with current Bonus Depreciation options allows property owners to accelerate tax deductions, improving cash flow and boosting profitability. What is a Cost Segregation Study? Cost Segregation is a tax….


How Drowning Detection Systems Can Save Lives

Conventional pool safety measures, including covers, perimeter fences, and subsurface alarms, can prevent unauthorized access when a pool is closed. However, these measures do not protect against drowning when a pool is in use. Lifeguards, swimming lessons, and parental supervision have traditionally served as the primary safety measures during swim time, but tragically, even these….


Security in Maine – Secure Communities

Maintenance Plans and Reserve Funding Many think of Maine as a safe haven. During the height of the Covid pandemic, Maine saw a rapid growth in population due to folks fleeing the densely settled urban areas to the south. This in turn resulted in Maine’s average home sales prices climbing due to a lack of….


Micayla Brooks Joins the Criterium Team

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As Criterium’s Vice President, Client Success,  Micayla Brooks leads the Client Success team in developing and executing strategies to improve the client experience, build lasting client relationships, and expand our client base. This includes evaluating and enhancing business systems and processes to ensure positive client experiences and outcomes—client cultivation, proposal development, assembly of project teams,….


Shine a Light on Safety

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Lighting Safety – Exterior Lighting Plans and Considerations Maine is blessed with a special quality of life. It does not have the crime rates and urban violence found in some parts of the country, but some condominium and homeowner associations still recognize a need for security tools such as key fobs, Ring doorbell systems, cameras,….


Innovations Transform the Building Inspection Process

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Emerging technology and innovation are continually transforming the building construction inspection process. Criterium Engineers evaluates and adopts appropriate new technologies to provide additional knowledge and information for our clients. Two inspection innovations in particular—the use of drones and thermal imaging—have been change drivers for Criterium Engineers in recent years, reaching areas that were previously unattainable….


How Safe Is Your Deck?

May is National Deck Safety Month® and your spring maintenance checklist should include a thorough inspection of your deck and railings. It’s important to check their safety before the outdoor entertainment season begins with family gatherings and neighborhood barbecues taking place on your deck. Here are a few items to consider as you check your….


Client Spotlight: Maine Solar Solutions

On ☀️Solar Appreciation Day, Criterium Engineers 📐 celebrates our clients at Maine Solar Solutions, based in Freeport. Criterium provides structural evaluations for solar installation on residences and commercial buildings. . . . #solar #solarpower #solarenergy #energy #renewableenergy #solarpanels #solarpowered #gosolar #MaineSolarSolutions #structuralengineer #freeportmaine #structuralengineering #engineering #criteriumengineers #weknowbuildings