Residential News

Do You Have Mold in Your Buildings?

mold in buildings

The problem of mold in buildings is one that no building owner or manager can afford to ignore. Mold has been suggested as one of the possible factors in so-called “Sick Building Syndrome.” What conditions create mold in buildings? Mold typically reproduces by means of airborne spores. These spores are always present in the air…..


Vinyl Siding – or Not

Vinyl Siding Problems

Perhaps you are on the Building Committee which has been charged by your Homeowners Association Board to recommend a replacement siding material for your 35 year old condo. Perhaps you are a property manager whose in-basket is filled with unit owner complaints about vinyl clapboard siding problems in the new condo complex. Whatever the vinyl….


Foundation Forensics

Cracks in foundations are by far the most common structural complaint raised in either reserve fund studies or transition studies.  They can occur in the youngest or newest condo building.  As condo documents usually assign the maintenance responsibility of their repair to the association, board members and property managers take them very seriously.  Maine condo….


Hurricane Season is Here—Are You Ready?

The team at Criterium encourages commercial and residential property owners, property managers, and HOA board members to prepare for the hurricane season which begins each year on the first of June for the Atlantic. The Central Pacific season forecast was announced on May 18. This year’s Atlantic seasonal forecast was recently announced by NOAA’s Climate….


Stairways and Decks Aren’t Safe Unless their Railings Are Secure

stairways and decks secure railings

Your Home | Volume 35, Number 1 You’re standing in the basement waiting for a friend, who is following you down the stairs. Missing a step, your friend reaches for the railing, which breaks away from the wall. This will not end well for your friend, who may be seriously injured or worse; and it….